Food Week!

 Hello! I ate a lot of delicious food this week.

On Tuesday, I didn't have any classes and had a lot of free time. So I ate sushi with my father.  I've eaten sushi at a restaurant after a long time, so it was delicious. My favorite sushi is engawa. What kind of sushi do you like?


It's been warmer lately than before. After lunch, I had ice cream with a friend. I ate "Oimomonaka". It's my first time eating this. The taste of sweet potato was close to the real thing and it was very delicious.

Ice cream

There's only one more blog post left. thank you for reading!
See you next week!


  1. I have never eaten "Oimomonaka". I want to eat it!!

  2. I am jealous you of you eat delicious sushi. And my favorite sushi is "broiled engawa", it tast good, so I recommened you! Also, I like to eat ice cream in the winter.

  3. I like ice cream! I often eat it, but I have never eaten "Oimomonaka". I want to try it!

  4. Oimonaka looks so delicious!! I like sweet potetos, so I want to eat it.

  5. I like sushi, but especially salmon. Good food makes me happy.

  6. I've never seen a Oimo monaka befor. It looks very delicious.

  7. You are eating a very delicious ice cream. I like that too!

